The Home of Interactive Queer Talmud Fiction

This is the hub for the writing of Shimon ben Avraham v'Sarah. It currently features my first interactive erotic story, hosted on

This story, the first of a three-part game series, follows the early conversion journey of bandit-turned-talmudic-Rabbi Reish Lakish (AKA Rabbi Shimon bar Lakish) and his relationship with Rabbi Yochanan bar Nappaha, Rosh Yeshiva of the famed Tiberias yeshiva where many talmudic verbal battles took place.

The story is firmly 18+ and, depending on your choices, may contain EXPLICIT SEX, violence, death, complicated themes, and combinations thereof. Proceed with caution.

Please note that while the story is extensively researched, I am not a historian, and this is a work of fiction that may contain historical inaccuracies. See the sources page for my bibliography.

To be notified of future teasers & game drops, sign up for the mailing list! I do not send spam.

My interactive stories were created with the Twine game engine, a free-to-use resource for text-based game creation. Check it out if you have a story to tell!

I recognize that my writing will be offensive to some. For me, it's an expression of a queer Jewish history that might have been, in another world, and nothing more. If that's a difficult concept for you to grapple with, I ask you to show me and yourself chesed and simply close this tab. I respect your perspective as different than mine, and I hope you can do the same in return.